London Secretariat

The London Secretariat
Michael Soul & Asociados
4 Lincoln’s Inn Fields,
T: +44 [0] 20 7353 3358
F: +44 [0] 20 7240 0139
E: mailbox@spanishlawyers.co.ukDX 199 – London – Chancery Lane

Office Hours: 09:00 to 18:00


For the convenience of our UK resident clients we have a secretariat in central London.

Correspondence and documents delivered by hand or sent by post to the London Secretariat is scanned and a copy is transmitted immediately via our secure server to the lawyer dealing with the case in Spain; the lawyer can dictate an immediate response remotely which is sent back from Spain over our computer network as a digital file and this is then typed and posted the same day from London.

The use of the Secretariat avoids the delays risks and cost of sending urgent and sometimes irreplaceable documents and correspondence by post to or from Spain

Clients telephoning the London numbers of the secretariat are connected directly through to the lawyer dealing with their case in Spain, saving the costs of international calls

The bi-lingual staff in London act as remote secretaries to our lawyers in Spain. Acting on instructions they receive from our lawyers in Spain they will arrange for Spanish language documents drafted in Spain, to be translated to English and engrossed in London ready to be signed before an English Notary Public. They will arrange for these documents to be sent to and collected from the English Notary and then legalised with the Apostille at the Foreign and Commonwealth office in Milton Keynes, paying all fees due before sending them on to Spain with one of our batch courier despatches.

The London Secretariat will also obtain legalise and translate English documents required by the Spanish authorities such as death birth and marriage certificates as well as corporate documentation.

Telephone and video conferences with our lawyers in Spain can be set up by the London Secretariat as and when required but please note that the London facility only provides secretarial administrative and translation facilities: no-one at the London Secretariat is authorised or qualified to give legal advice.

All our lawyers live and work in Spain and meetings with them in person are only possible at our offices in Spain. The London Secretariat will be pleased to arrange appointments to see one of our lawyers in Spain on request to coincide with clients’ travel arrangements.

The London Secretariat is located in Lincoln’s Inn Fields in the heart of legal London close to the Royal Courts of Justice.

Tags: Inn Fieldslaw firms in spainlawyers in spainLondonLondon Chancery LaneLondon SecretariatOffice Hourssolicitors in spainSpainspanish lawyersspanish speaking english lawyer in spain